Tax Balance

Welcome to the New Zealand Capital Gains Party 

Our Mission 

is to improve the tax balance between the rich & middle class by fixing the problem, which is billions being made tax free on long term capital gains.

New Zealand 

has short term capital gains tax that comes & goes depending on whos in government but we have never had long term like most countries do.

The top 10% of kiwis

own roughly 60% of all the wealth & the report below tells us they are roughly only paying 10% tax when everyone else is paying 20%. It is them we are targeting. 

Wasteful spending

Some of them are using wasteful government spending as an excuse not to bring in captax, but wasteful government spending costs everyone & is a separate problem.

Future unbalance

Some of them are claiming if they start paying fairer tax now they may get overtaxed later by a future unbalanced government. 

Not willing to do the right thing now from fear of over taxation in the future is just another selfish brainwash.

Capital gains used to be a moderate earner

but over the last 20 years its become a big largely untaxed earner. And that's the imbalance.

We will tax all capital gains 10%

except the family home, the bach & the first 5 million of investments.

So it won't affect the welloff.

Once the extra tax

begins to flow in we will reduce tax for the welloff, the middle & poor.


The Wealthy


will only have to pay tax if they sell an asset so it never affects their cashflow.

For Example

if a rich farmer makes 20 million capital gain on his farm when he sells it, he roughly pays 2 million tax instead of no tax.

Many Rich kiwis actually say


" a long term capital gains tax would be fair " as they have a social conscience.

We are a Coalition party

so we will join with other parties & they will manage all other policies.

We will have no policies on anything

other than Capital Gains Tax.

Lets just start at 10%

like we did with GST & future governments can work out whats the best balance. 

Because like everything in life its about balance.

Watch this video explaining Captax 

 "A country without long term captax 

is like a boat with a crooked rudder

You can tie string to the steering wheel or you can fix the rudder "

Tim Allen



 There is no such thing as a perfect tax 

& captax will not be perfect, but it will add balance to New Zealand.




 It will be a big investment for IRD

And it will take a long time before it contributes.

But eventually kiwis will get an excellent return on that investment. 

& it will create more IRD & accounting jobs for kiwis which are producing fair tax.



 Is there an alternative tax that may be better ?

We think not. Tax is largely about paying a percentage of ones earnings to their government to run a country. Capital gain is an earning once the investment has been sold. 

Some have suggested bringing back stamp duty

Which is a tax that you pay every time you buy a property, which is not an earnings tax, so we dont think thats fair.  

Is captax a wealth tax ? 

No its an earnings tax. We don't believe in taxing wealth, just earnings.


 Is Captax about taxing out of recession ?

No thats a mislead, its simply about getting the richest kiwis paying the same percent of tax as everyone else



 Another mission

of this site is to provide ideas to other parties, journalists & the public. 



What happens in the event you sell an investment at a loss ?

You get a refund

Will Captax send capital out of New Zealand ?

No as most countries have been taxing it for decades

Why has labour not brought in a captax ?


They did want to. Captax is a differcult tax to introduce as many middle incomers vote it out as they think they are rich & they think it will cost them.  

To bring it in without losing an election requires skillful education. Labour began campaigning on it in 2019 & then the Christchurch mosque attacks happened & they had to abandon it. 

We at the Cap party suspect it may require a specialist party to take the bullets to achieve success. 

If this is a subject you are interested in 

we recommend you visit this site again as we regularly update it with more ideas


Our policies are only rough at this stage & we will mrapa more details if we get donations

We are seeking donations Now to start up the party.